Wednesday, December 15, 2010


In forensics class, students have been working hard on their research projects on famous criminals in history. Students are researching their criminal, creating a Prezi based on their research, a wanted poster, then they are presenting about their criminal the week of 12/20. In the midst of working on these projects, we have explored forensic fingerprinting and document analysis. Students have learned the techniques document examiners use to investigate questioned documents. Students have learned all the different classes of fingerprints as well as ridge characteristics to look for when comparing a suspect fingerprint to one found at a crime scene. Students have classified their own fingerprints, and now will be doing a lab this week in which they will uncover hidden (latent) fingerprints using a variety of techniques: dusting, magnetic dusting, ninhydrin fuming, super glue fuming, and iodine fuming. Students will develop fingerprints from many surfaces--even paper!